Call to Schedule: 208-503-4688

Private Reiki Sessions

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction & relaxation which promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on balancing Qi (life force energy) as it flows through our Chakras (energy centers).

When Qi is blocked or low, we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are healthier and hardier.

You will remain fully clothed throughout your session. Come well-hydrated and dressed comfortably and prepared to receive the gift of Reiki and relaxation. You will be asked to remove jewelry / watches- or leave them at home. After your session, be sure to drink plenty of water.

Kimberlee is a Certified Reiki Master and Tibetan Healing Bowl Practitioner.

Sessions can be done in person, or remotely.

Use Code: POWERLIVING to schedule your complimentary introductory session and receive 15% off your package of 3 sessions!

Sessions By Appointment ~ book online or call to schedule: 208-503-4688

$75 per Session ~ Package of 3: $200 ~ with Code: $191.25


“I connected with Kimberlee when looking for long-lasting relief - from physical & emotional pain, stress & addiction. I had my doubts about this stuff, but surprisingly, reiki provided noticeable relief and peace from the first session. The reiki energy moving through me was undeniable - I felt like I was being charged like a battery. Kimberlee had a very loving and very comfortable energy about her. After the first session, I felt light and airy, like the weight of the world was lifted. I returned for several more sessions, and then asked Kimberlee to attune me - so I could perform reiki on myself. Kimberlee is amazing. She's gentle, kind and compassionate, and really focuses on YOU when you're with her. Unlike most practitioners, she follows up with you - she REALLY CARES how you're doing. Her love of people, life and reiki is obvious in her passion to really make a difference in people's lives. I highly recommend her!!”


October 27th, 2020

Kimberlee is amazing!

Your #1 fan

September 23rd, 2020

Kimberlee offers most excellent treatment and care. She listens to needs and tailors her care to individual needs. . She is an excellent coach; and mentor.


October 16th, 2020


Reiki Workshops